Monday, June 26, 2006


It's hard to believe that nearly five years have passed since our country and its citizens were attacked on September 11th. I ran across this on a blog and have signed up to help pay tribute to the lives lost. If you have a blog and would like to help honor the victims, click on the link. Here is an explanation written by the organizer:

2,996 is a tribute to the victims of 9/11.

On September 11, 2006, 2,996 volunteer bloggers will join together for a tribute to the victims of 9/11. Each person will pay tribute to a single victim.

We will honor them by remembering their lives, and not by remembering their murderers.

If you would like to help out, either by pledging to post a tribute on your own blog, or by offering your services to promote this cause, just leave a comment here and I’ll email you the name of a victim.

Then, on 9/11/2006, you will post a tribute to that victim on your blog.

But, and this is critical, the tributes should celebrate the lives of these people–kind of like a wake. Over the last 5 years we’ve heard the names of the killers, and all about the victim’s deaths. This is a chance to learn about and celebrate those who died. Forget the murderers, they don’t deserve to be remembered. But some people who died that day deserve to be remembered–2,996 people.

Thank you,

D.Challener Roe


Nicole said...

I live in Canada { Saskatchewan} and when the attacks happened, life stopped here as well.
It is hard to believe that it will be the 5th anniversary. I think I will always remember exactly what I was doing at the time, and the overwhelming sense of grief I felt and still do to this day.

Enjoy your baby, time flies quickly.
Here's a little verse that always stuck with me

Dusting and cleaning can wait til tomorrow
babies grow up I have learned to my sorrow
So quiet down Cobwebs, Dust go to sleep
For I am rocking my baby and babies don't keep.
Feel free to visit my blogs anytime
Prairie Voice is about childcare issues and Nics opinions is a light hearted, tongue in cheek place to " vent".

Anonymous said...

I am also taking part in this tribute. I am honoring Abdu Malahi. I hope to keep track of all the bloggers for this tribute, please leave a comment and let me know who you will be honoring with a link to your blog so I can check your post on Sept. 11:

Christina Nenno, creator of Kristonia Ink!