Tuesday, August 09, 2005

What I learned today....

While making my supper tonight, I accidentally dropped a bottle of ranch dressing on the floor. Luckily, there was not much in it, so the mess was minimal. As I surveyed the white, creamy splatter spanning my linoleum, I contemplated how to go about cleaning it up. That is when it hit me...I have a dog! Dogs are the best floor cleaners around. I whistled for Elvis. He was instantly there. He's very aware of anything going on in the kitchen, especially when I am cooking. I tend to drop things. I pointed at the spill and asked him "What's this?" He sniffed the mess, looked up at me, returned to sniffing it and then reluctantly, almost as if he were obligated, he lapped up some of the dressing. Not much, just a minor drop of it. He again looked at me, with pleading eyes and turned to walk back to the living room. I still had a mess to clean. So my supper got cold while I wiped ranch dressing off my floor. My lesson of the day has taught me that my dog doesn't like ranch dressing.

1 comment:

Laura said...

I'm thinking Otto and Soph would turn their noses up at Ranch dressing, too. I'm not even a fan. ;)