Thursday, August 04, 2005

Working Mom

I went to work today. I had tried to go back to work at the beginning of July, but it was just to soon. I needed more time to get in better shape. We needed more time to get used to a routine. Aveline has gotten much more steady in her routine, more predictability means I can plan things.

I enjoyed my time away from the house and the baby. Work was slow, but we had a good staff. Lunch seemed effortless. I didn't make as much money as I would like to have, but the guests were very generous. I think I averaged 25% gratutity over 5 tables...that is outsanding. I did miss her. I was happy to come home. She (and Dan) were thrilled to see me. Daddy did a good job of taking care of her. She was fed, sort of dressed (Dan has some weird aversion to putting socks or pants on our child) and rested. The house was a bit of a disaster, but I only asked him to pick up so he would understand what I go through. I never expected him to find time to do it.

I am only going to work part time, when Dan can watch her. I want to try to limit the amount of time she is babysat to once a week. We are very fortunate to be able to do this. Aveline is fortunate as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

AWESOME picture--my favorite! Sorry I missed you guys this weekend at the farm. She is growin' like a bad weed! Keep up the GREAT parenting! P.S. Let me know when you get into scrapbooking. I would also love to if the "FUN" tickets ever start rollin' in! Love ya all!