I laid Aveline on her blanket yesterday and headed for the kitchen. When I returned not two minutes later, I found her like this. It won't be long until she is crawling. Right now she is just scooting backwards and spinning herself around on her belly. Maybe I should start strapping some Swiffer pads onto her stomach and knees...take care of the dust bunnies breeding under my couch!
Cute! Before you know it she'll be all over the place!
Watch out, world... here comes Aveline the scooter!
Wow, getting mobile already. Time flies when you are not looking.
LOL, I love the Swiffer idea!
Aveline is so beautiful! If she is on the move your life is going to change dramatically - look out world, here she comes! I never got to experience a crawling baby -Rachel never went through a crawling phase - she just started cruising at 6 months and walking at 10 months! Aveline looks like she is a busy girl too. Already making forts and hideouts in your living room! Hide the sheets.
I can definately see the resemblence now! She looks just like you did Kristi!
Love the idea learn to crawl and learn to clean in one easy step!
Wow, mobility. Our little guy (4 and a half months) is wiggling up a storm, but not really getting anywhere yet. Frankly, I'm scared.
Aveline is a supercute baby, and my wife just burst out laughing when I pointed out your stored breastmilk tally.
Oh, instead of a swiffer, I want this.
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