The fever is rising. The game is almost here! I am getting so excited to see the Buckeyes stomp those putrid Wolverines again this year. This will be Aveline's 2nd Michigan game. I know. Many of you are asking how that is possible since she is only 6 months old. I felt her first flutters the Thursday before the game last year. She was excited for Michigan week in the womb!
My fervor for anything OSU v Michigan led me to an uber cool site. Check it out! The jokes are to die for! Here is my favorite compliments of The Ann Arbor News Report.
Michigan Announces Ten New Classes to be Offered This Fall.
In preparation for the upcoming school year, the University of Michigan has been busy preparing campus for the year, which starts in September, and that is 2005, not 2085 when most of the students will reach the intelligence they would need ro most universities. Noticing that classes were filling up quickly for the fall quarter, the Michigan administration announced that they would be offering ten new classes this fall. They said however that students must enroll quickly because these will be some of the schools toughest classes and will fill up quickly.
Here they are:
1. Philosophy: Why don’t they spell it with an "F"?
2. Pre law seminar: Age of consent in 50 states.
3. Sandwich making: a project course.
4. Hand Shadow workshop
5. Subtraction: Addition’s tricky friend.
6. Cliff Notes vs. Monarch Notes: Two views of the Classics.
7. Hooked on Phonics
8. The College Classroom: A simulation
9. ABC’s: An extended version
10. Literature: Coloring inside the lines.
Go Bucks!
Go bucks!!
Q: How do you get a Michigan graduate off your porch?
A: Pay him for the pizza.
A guy in a bar leans over to the guy next to him and says, "Wanna hear a
Michigan joke?"
The guy next to him replies, "Well before you tell that joke, you should know something. I'm 6-feet tall, 200 pounds and I am a Michigan alumni.
The guy sitting next to me is 6-foot-2, weighs 225, and he's a Michigan
The fella next to him is 6-foot-5, weighs 250, and he's a Michigan
Now, you still wanna tell that joke?"
The first guy rolls his eyes and says, "Jeez, not if I'm going have to explain it three times."
Q: Did you hear about the power outage at the University of Michigan library?
A: Forty students were stuck on the escalator for three hours.
Wow. Only four days, 12 hours and 27 minutes...
Go Bucks!
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