Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Joys and Pains of Change.

It is nearing half a year since I have posted on this blog. Funny to look here and see that nothing has changed. And some things in our lives have not. We still are trying to sell a home, trying to afford what we have. We still love each other. We still eat, sleep and laugh...sometimes. On the other hand though, many things are changing faster than we can register. Or, maybe it is too slowly for us to notice. Either way, six months pass and things once familiar feel foreign. My girls look nothing like these pictures. They change between naps and episodes of "The Little Einsteins." I have had many people ask why I no longer post, a surprising number to me. I have no good reason. So, perhaps, I should try again.


SMAC said...

i miss your posts, but i understand why it's hard! :)

Jamie said...

I too miss your posts. Glad to see an update and see how much the girls have grown!!

Christina said...

I understand it's hard to keep up with everything, but I do miss your posts!

Uncle Crappy said...

If you have the time, you should try again. I miss this blog.

Kelly said...

WE MISS YOU GUYS!!!!!!!! Please post and keep us updated on how things are going for you!!!! (but I completely understand if you don't, it's not like you have other things on your plate right now!!!)Love you!!!