Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Sleepy, Sleepy

Today was a very sleepy day. Our whole family was yawning the day away...even Elvis! Aveline slept nearly 12 hours last night! After her breakfast she napped for another hour. She napped again for 2 hours in the afternoon and went to bed at 10pm. Mommy even snuck a nap in during the afternoon. I needed it.

Leftover penne with marinara was the meal for the day. Yogurt, granola and blueberries for breakfast and a turkey sandwich for lunch. I also got to enjoy a yummy cappucino.

I spoke on the phone with my parents and my brother in law and sister. Lauren and Ben were going to the zoo today.

Beyond baby care, I got some laundry done, dishes and a quick tidying of the kitchen. I am still looking forward to this weekend.

We had some good tummy time today. She is getting much stronger and even rolls to her side from her stomach. We also listened to music and played with her color blocks. We read a book, took a walk in the backyard to look at the plants and flowers. Daddy went to bed early so he could give her a bath. She loves taking baths. She just started kicking and splashing here lately.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe how big she is. She looks like she enjoys her bath. See you soon.

Anonymous said...

Neat site...keep the pictures comming haven't gotten to see too much of your house so post some of those too - Joel