Monday, April 17, 2006

Yeah! It's Monday!!!!

Before you think I've really misplaced my corn flakes, realize that in the World of the Wilhelms, Monday is our Friday. I don't work again until Thursday and Dan starts his vacation tomorrow morning. Yippeeee! We are not going anywhere. We decided to invest our vacation money into our house. We are laying carpeting down in the bedrooms and living room and hopefully painting Aveline's big girl room. Or as we lovingly call it, Nursery 2.o.

Speaking of Nursery 2.0, the littlest Wilhelm is doing well. (S)he is a very active baby, and has made his/her presence known in the last week. Aveline was a very active baby in utero. This baby is psycho. I don't remembered being pummelled this much with Aveline. I guess that means all is well in the womb. We have our level 2 ultrasound in the morning on the 26th. Hopefully the tech will find nothing abnormal and maybe even clue us in on whether we are going to welcome a son or daughter. My gut says girl, even though this pregnancy is way different than the last. Dan agreed at first, though lately he has started campaigning for a boy. I guess we will know soon!


Jamie said...

I am so excited I cannot wait... Niece or Nephew???

I guess Nephew...

Laura said...

I say "girl" for some reason... just a hunch. Have fun w/ the new carpet and painting... and not working! Oh, I'm also glad to hear your little one is doing well. :)

Laura said...

I say Boy. No real reason.
What are the Vegas odds. $$$ :)


Rae Ann said...

Are you carrying high or low? My two boys were low and my girl was higher up. Activity wise they were about the same. Sorry about the ear infections!